Cultivating Trust is Essential for Wholehearted Living

In this blog I provide my interpretation on the three essential components of trust, namely how we communicate our logic to others, whether we are willing to be truly authentic in our engagements with others, and whether we are willing to take the risk and demonstrate true empathy towards others. I also share the feelings or emotions we can potentially experience if a safe space is not created that fosters trust and lastly how I have applied the three essential components in my own life.

Coaching the Whole Individual to Show up Authentically

Lit light bulb amongst unlit light bulbs depicting the individual standing out as authentic.

I recently posted a picture of my business card with the caption “I have a dream that every South African will have the courage to show up authentically and present their whole self to all they come into contact with.” This truly is my dream as I believe it will fundamentally shift the consciousness in our country as a whole. It will impact the way we engage with everyone we come into contact with including our families, friends, colleagues and even strangers. It will impact how we teach in our schools and lead in our organizations and alleviate a culture of fear which sadly often prevents us from showing up authentically.